Mario Cart Wii
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Erika bought me the Mario Cart Wii game yesterday and let me tell ya, it's a lot of fun. The game comes with a steering wheel that you put the remote into and use to drive the game. I have been wanting a steering wheel and race game for a while but hadn't found I really liked. Mario Cart is your typical Nintendo, cartoonesque with silly graphics and challenges. You choose out of 8 characters and can play in traditional races, time trials, against multiple people or over the internet. Just like Guitar Hero, this game is very addicting and one can pickup in no time. By the 2nd or 3rd race you have it figured out so there is little frustration.
Posted by mardenhill 4/29/2008 07:30:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: Wii
The Power Of Craigslist
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Last year we had a new stamped concrete patio added to our backyard and in the process pulled up a bunch of generic paver stones that were at least 15 years old. They have been stacked in the back of the yard since last summer and I don't have a truck to dispose of them. I decided to try Craigslist and see if I could give them away for free. Within 10 minutes of posting I received my first email and in 2 hours I had 35 people requesting them. I made the mistake of heading out right after I posted them so it took a while before I could pull it back down. I thought I might get someone interested but was blown away at how fast they went. I really wish I had thought of this last year.
Moral of the story, use the Free section of Craigslist if you have anything you need to get rid of that may be of some value and make sure you are close to a computer to kill the ad once there are takers.
Posted by mardenhill 4/27/2008 08:17:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Misc
Obama On Fox News
Barack Obama broke his personal boycott of Fox News this morning and appeared with Chris Wallace for a one on one interview. Overall Barack did great, he kept his cool, answered the questions and didn't appear on the defensive. There will no doubt be questions raised by Hillary and her surrogates regarding the answer that Republicans have better ideas when it comes to regulation and education. He answered both but failed to elaborate on the regulation. Obama will have to circle back around and broaden this answer which isn't a problem and one that will put Hillary on the same page or on the defense that will contradict many of her past comments.
During the round table the Fox commentators finally got it right and spoke of the generational issue that Barack is not part of the 60s and trying to tie him to that era will not work. This is what I have been saying all along, and more and more pundits need to address this. There are many people out there including me who are sick and tired of baby boomers and their 40 year old battles. Its time to kick the boomers to the curb and take over ourselves. Politically boomers are just a bunch of self centered, greedy bastards who refuse to give up power to the next generation. This is why Hillary does so well among older folks, collectively they view ceding power as the ultimate betrayal and will stop at nothing to hold on. If you look at history every generation will go thru this but the boomers claimed victory very early and actually took hold much sooner than other generations. There are boomers like Ted Kennedy who are ready to pass the torch but I feel they are in the minority.
I have no doubt that Obama will secure the nomination and run an amazing general election campaign. I am anxious to see how his message will contrast McCain's and it will be very obvious how Obama is the voice of change.
Posted by mardenhill 4/27/2008 11:58:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: Politics
Western Digital My Passport Hard Drive
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Posted by mardenhill 4/24/2008 08:26:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Technology
Possible Replacements Reunion
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The Replacements are considering reuniting, 17 years after they disbanded.Original bassist Tommy Stinson said that he and singer/songwriter Paul Westerberg have had a lucrative offer to perform at Coachella and other major festivals, reports Billboard.
The reunited band would consist of session drummer Josh Freese(replacing original drummer Chris Mars who retired from music to focus on painting) and an unnamed lead guitarist (who would replace Stinson’s late half-brother Bob, who died in 1995). Stinson said: “We talked about it this year, and I think there was a consensus that maybe it wasn’t the right time [to reunite] - or maybe it is the right time."
At the last minute, it just didn't seem like the right thing to do. But I think Paul and I have something to offer each other still. I think that's pretty obvious when we get together.”
This is great news and if the Pixies, Jesus And Mary Chain and The Police can do it, why not the Replacements? I never got to see the band live but have seen Paul solo on a couple occasions and would love one last chance. Now if this were to happen, the only 2 bands left to reform that would be big news would be the Talking Heads and the Smiths but part of me believes that is out of the question.
Posted by mardenhill 4/23/2008 07:58:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Music
New Stereolab This Summer
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Mark your calendars because one of the coolest bands around will be releasing a new cd this August. Although Stereolab released Fab Four Suture back in '06 it was really a collection of singles and EPs and will have been 4 years since the bands last full length. I have no idea on the style but that doesn't matter, it's Stereolab and that is all we need to know. I hope I can count on the band to make a stop in Detroit this fall since everyone else has abandoned the Motor City on their recent tours. If you have never seen Stereolab live you are really missing out and must check them out if they come thru your town.
Chemical Chords:
01 Neon Beanbag
02 Three Women
03 One Finger Symphony
04 Chemical Chords
05 The Ecstatic Static
06 Valley Hi!
07 Silver Sands
08 Pop Molecule (Molecular Pop 1)
09 Self Portrait with "electric brain"
10 Nous Vous Demandons Pardon
11 Cellulose Sunshine
12 Fractal Dream Of A Thing
13 Daisy Click Clack
14 Vortical Phonotheque
Posted by mardenhill 4/20/2008 11:59:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Music
My iMac
Its been nearly 6 months since I have been able to power on my iMac due to some electrical issues here at home. Last year we had some power surges that were due to the meter box on the back of the house. Once that was fixed and the electrical outlets upstairs replaced, it was time to try out the mac. Unfortunately the mac would only power on for 1-2 minutes and die. If you would try again it would fail on the blue startup screen. This lead me to believe that either the power supply or logic board had been fried during the surges. The logic board along with the hard drive had been replaced in the past due to other issues and at this time the iMac was out of warranty. I had to make a $100 gamble to figure out if it was the power supply or not. Without the warranty it wasn't worth bringing into the apple store for them to tell me what I already believed was the problem. Since the transistors on the logic board looked good it could be one thing and if I was wrong, well it only cost me $100. So I bought a new power supply off of eBay and hoped for the best. The good news, I was correct and my iMac is back to life.
Although my iMac is only a G5, I love the design and ease of use when repairing. You unscrew 3 screws and the back comes off. You can replace any piece of the computer without issues. The new design of the iMac has made this next to impossible since you need to take the screen off to access everything. This fall my iMac will turn 4 but for the most part is a workhorse and an amazing machine. It feels good to have it back up and running once again.
Posted by mardenhill 4/20/2008 11:41:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Technology
Dogfish Head Fort
Friday, April 18, 2008
Posted by mardenhill 4/18/2008 06:12:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Beer
College In 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Before I am able to start my MBA program I need to take Calculus and decided to save some money and go to the local community college. Now its been 11 years since I have scheduled a class and was blown away at how things have changed. The trusty ole phone method is still available where you sit down with sheets of paper all around you with your schedule, your alternate and the alternate to that if the classes you want are not available. You then sit thru the painstaking automated voice that repeats everything back to you in snail speed. After it's all over you have your classes but if you need to make a change, its off to the office of registrar or back to the phone for another round. This was considered an advancement throughout the early to mid 90s and the method I had to rely on.
Well in 2008, it's quite different and forgive me if I am telling you what you already know but I am still smiling at how easy it has become. I logged onto the school's website, entered my username/password and did a search for the class I wanted. I found it clicked OK and the class was in my shopping cart, just like an Amazon purchase. I added another class for the 2nd half of the semester and in the end paid my tuition bill with my credit card. At that point I decided to google the professors to see if I could find anything on them and discovered the website. I was able to see reviews from students going back 3-4 years. Just like any open comments site, there were a bunch of idiots but I was able to get an idea of what I was getting myself into. I decided that the prof for the 2nd semester was a dud and searched for an alternate class. Found one at another campus and scheduled away. The school even has a link to the online bookstore where you can purchase what you need. Besides that, grades as well as your class schedule are posted online. I am really enjoying the modern world of college and can't wait to get started.
Btw, I need to take a semester of college algebra and trig before I can get into calc. At that point, I should be ready to start my MBA in January.
Posted by mardenhill 4/15/2008 07:09:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Grad School
Wente - Riva Ranch Chardonnay 2006
Monday, April 14, 2008
I bought this wine on a recommendation from a friend who knows great Chardonnays. While this wine retails at $18 a bottle, Costco had it for $13.99 where I picked one up the other day. After opening, I am kicking myself for not grabbing a 2nd or even 3rd. This is a classic chard from Monterey, CA and all the traits are present. The tropical fruit hits you up front followed by a rich body. Due to the cooler growing region you don't get the buttery flavor instead the bright tropical fruit shines thru. The finish has an oak flavor which adds to the weight of the wine. After looking on the website, I discovered that the wine is aged in a sur lie fashion for 12 months meaning that the yeast is present in the barrels after fermentation and isn't racked before bottling.
If you are looking for another inexpensive Monterey chard, look for Kali Hart which is a 2nd label from Talbott Vineyards. This wine ranges from $15-$18 depending on where you can find it and rivals the Wente Riva Ranch on taste and value.
Posted by mardenhill 4/14/2008 10:18:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Wine
Slacker Personal Radio
I wrote about this a while ago when it was still in development mode. Just this weekend I received an email stating that the players are now for sale. For those of you not familiar with its a very cool website and the portable player is very cool. Slacker was born out of the old Musicmatch jukebox which ruled the digital world until iTunes became the universal standard. There are a number of stations broken down by genres kinda like satellite radio. You can take it a step further by selecting artists themselves and Slacker will recast an updated playlist based on similar artists. When you select a specific artist, different songs will play every 4-5 songs and you have the ability to skip past tracks. This is a free website that can be accessed from any computer. You do not need a separate player since everything is streamed thru the website.
Although the site is free you will have to purchase the handheld. Prices are $199 for 15 stations, $249 for 25 stations and $299 for 40 stations. These stations can be changed so you are not locked into any specific genre or artist. The handheld operates on a WiFi network streaming from the website when in range and caching songs when no network connectivity is present. The player holds up to 4000 songs that are refreshed when connected to the network. You don't have to worry about repeats since there is plenty of space to hold a vast collection of songs before your next sync. For $7.50 a month you can subscribe to the premium service which allows for unlimited skipping (the free only gives you so many each hour) and even more personalization. Slacker has found a way to combine the iPod with satellite radio and repackage it into an easy to use interface. You have the portability of an iPod, the music selection of satellite radio and you do not have to purchase any music or sit around trying to organize a playlist, hence the Slacker name.
I will admit, Slacker isn't perfect sometimes the artist selection isn't very deep and features shallow comparisions but for free I can't complain. I am interested in seeing the handheld in action and depending on battery life and how long it took to sync I might be interested.
If you havn't signed up for your free account, check out and give the website a chance.
Posted by mardenhill 4/14/2008 09:30:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Technology
James - Hey Ma (2008)
Saturday, April 12, 2008
After a 7 year break James have surfaced with a new cd entitled Hey Ma. In Track 1 "Bubbles", the majestic and swirling composition returns along with the fleeting trumpet reminiscent of Seven's "Sound". The atmospheric tone of landscape, piano and guitar compliment Tim's vocals and build over the lyrics "I'm Alive". Those two words and the layered sound are a warning shot to all the critics who believed the band was history. Track 2 "Hey Ma" is upbeat but heavy on the politics. Tim references bodybags and the war while talking to his mom. Track 3 "Waterfall" sounds more like Tim Booth's solo work than that of James but the song is still very good. The trumpet and fuller sound bring in the James element which pulls it all together near the end of the track. Track 6 "Semaphore" slows it down and mixes in a subtle electronic undertone with the acoustic guitar and violin. Not quite Laid nor Wah Wah but right in the middle. Track 8 "Whiteboy" is the most upbeat track clocking in at under 3 minutes and building into a huge wall of sound. On Track 10 " Of Monsters & Heros & Men" a rare guitar solo starts out the track and Tim sings over a layer keyboards and piano. On the final track "I Wanna Go Home" you feel that Tim is thanking everyone for coming back to them and is in the process of saying his own goodbye. I would hate for this to be literal but we may never know. If this is it then James will have gone out with a bang and on top in my book.
This cd follows the pattern of "reunion" bands where the parts of the back catalog are mixed into new songs to give the listener a trip down memory lane and new folks an overview of the band's history. James doesn't meet my requirements for a "reunion" so I view this cd as a hiatus, a break so members could work on other projects. During the last seven years Tim released an amazing cd entitled Bone which I highly recommend everyone pick up and the remaining band members vowed to continue on but never really did.
This cd is outstanding and will end up in my top 5 for the year. I continue to say this about releases and will have to really think long and hard come December when organizing my best of. Previous years have been easy to list but 2008 will present me with a challenge on who gets number 1. The more I listen to this cd the more I hear the sheer brilliance of a band that many people treated as a one hit wonder and a faded memory. I loved their previous cd Pleased To Meet You but think Hey Ma may even be better.
Posted by mardenhill 4/12/2008 10:03:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Music
Red Wings Game 1
Friday, April 11, 2008
The Red Wings won last nite 3-1 to take the lead in the opening round of the Stanley Cup playoffs. I don't want to write too much about the Wings since I am scared to death that the elusive President's trophy win this year will sink the team like it has done in the past. On the other hand, the Tigers are limping thru the start of the season and maybe this will be the ying to their yang and balance out the wins. Now I will give the Tigers credit, they won the other nite but then lost last nite 12-6. April is always a great month for sports in Detroit. You have the Tigers starting and the Wings and Pistons are always in the playoffs.
Posted by mardenhill 4/11/2008 01:33:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Well I guess it's official that economic hack known as former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan has acknowledged that the US is in a recession. Thanks man, its not as if we didn't know already. Why anyone actually listens to this geezer and thinks he is somewhat intelligent is beyond me. The guy over saw multiple recessions and either acted too late or too overzealous and ignored the consequences. He goes on to say that the Fed actions were appropriate and not responsible for our latest credit crunch and mortgage crisis. Yep, just like Bush, he refuses to accept any responsibility for his actions (or inaction's) and blames others. Greenspan also thinks that the govt should bailout banks, investment firms and others affected and that we should look to the 80's Savings and Loans crisis. Once again, another republican who says they believe in Free Market Capitalism now wants the govt to bailout all the Wall Street execs who knowingly defrauded the country.
So next time some chest beating, red blooded republican tells you that the govt has no business meddling in the economy and giving poor folks handouts, kindly remind them that corporate welfare should be outlawed as well. If they can't agree to that statement then they are not a Free Market Capitalist and have no business even pretending that there should be a separation between govt and the markets.
Posted by mardenhill 4/08/2008 09:20:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Politics
That's it, time to pull the whole team and put in the Toledo Mud Hens (Detroit's farm league) and hope for a victory. At this point, there's nothing to lose. The Tigers are now 0-7 and in the middle of a series with the Red Sox........
Posted by mardenhill 4/08/2008 08:19:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tigers
And It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This!!!!!!
Courtesy of
Egos, hairdos, and cool shades will reign supreme on the late summer trek that Oasis and Ryan Adams & the Cardinals have just announced together. The first of these joint shows is in Seattle, and the rest are in Canada. Both groups have scattered dates apart as well. This is Oasis' first Canadian tour, and their first time playing live since 2006.
At the moment, Oasis are at work on their seventh studio album in L.A., but UK residents will hear Oasis-flavored tunes as soon as May 26. That's the release date of the double-A-side Paul Weller single "Have You Made Up Your Mind"/ "Echoes Round the Sun". Noel Gallagher co-wrote "Echoes Round the Sun" with Weller, and Oasis' Gem Archer plays guitar and keyboards on it. Both of the songs on the single are from Weller's forthcoming double solo album, 22 Dreams, out June 2.
Since every band I have wanted to see live has conveniently skipped Detroit (except the National, thanks guys) I don't expect a show here but I can still hope and dream. I can't think of a better bill than Oasis and Ryan Adams. Both are egotistical bastards who love the media and know how to manipulate it to their liking. I would have never thought to put them together but it makes complete sense.
Posted by mardenhill 4/08/2008 03:24:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Music
Macbook Pro
Monday, April 07, 2008
I have a dilemma, I need a new laptop and I can't decide if I should wait or not. The rumors are swirling around the net regarding Apple and the updates to their laptop line. The Macbooks need it big time and it seems like Apple will go eco friendly and ditch the plastic case. They will use more aluminum and stainless steel which will be very cool but then what will they do for the Pro line? Will they make it thinner, change the components? The new Intel chipset will debut in next couple months and as of now the newly designed laptops may appear as soon as June or as late as September. I can see them adding a black border around the Macbook Pro series similar to the iMac but will it really be worth it? Figures the minute I decide to buy a laptop, the net goes wild with rumors.
I am looking at the Pro line, I really don't like the plastic of the macbook and the 13 inch is just too small.
Posted by mardenhill 4/07/2008 09:51:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Technology
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Mark your calendars because Starbucks has an announcement to make at 12pm on April 8th, 2008. Run to the closest coffeehouse to be part of "Something Big" (according to the Ad).
While reading the comments within the Huffington Post regarding the story I came across this:
"fresh coffee. no older then 2 weeks from the farms. starbucks will be brewing new coffee every 30 minutes as opposed to every hour. it'll be freshly scooped coffee, not packaged grinded coffee bags like it was before. i think also a new pastry. "
It seems Starbucks has realized that the McDonaldization of their product has diluted the brand and its time to return to the basics. If this is true it will be a good thing because Starbucks has fallen flat as of late. I will admit, I am not a daily Starbucks customer, I may go a couple times a month but will buy their beans to grind at home. I rotate their coffee between other roasters to keep my taste buds alive and not bored of the same thing. I don't think of Starbucks as an evil empire, I believe they are genuinely a good natured company. From what I have read, the whole lawsuit regarding tips was overblown and full of misinformation. The company still has its faults and I would like to see their prices lowered but I don't expect that to happen anytime soon.
Anyways, I plan on checking out their announcement next week in hopes that there will be free coffee for those that attend.
Starbucks to launch new coffee blend Tuesday
SEATTLE -- Starbucks Corp. is hosting a nationwide coffee-tasting to celebrate the launch of its new "everyday" brew, a key ingredient in its drive to boost slumping sales.
Customers who line up at most of the coffee retailer's U.S. stores Tuesday will get a free 8 oz. cup of Pike Place Roast from 9 to 9:30 a.m. Pacific Time (12 to 12:30 p.m. EDT).
Chairman and Chief Executive Howard Schultz says Pike Place Roast has a bold flavor, smooth finish and "subtle, rich flavors of cocoa and toasted nuts."
It will be freshly roasted, hand-scooped, freshly ground and brewed in small batches that sit for no longer than 30 minutes.
Starbucks will sell it -- both regular and decaf -- alongside rotating coffees of the week.
Posted by mardenhill 4/06/2008 10:42:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Coffee
Saturday, April 05, 2008
I don't know what's going on, its like 2003 all over again. The Tigers just lost their 5th straight and are at the bottom of the league. Even San Francisco has at least 1 win. Back on '03 the Tigers lost a total of 119 games and didn't get their 1st win until game 9. I don't expect a repeat but there is no reason why the Tigers should be playing so poorly. Maybe this is the Tigers slump for the season and will kick it into high gear within the next week. I keep trying to be optimistic here but with the 2nd highest salary in the league, the Tigers should be leading not trailing.
Posted by mardenhill 4/05/2008 06:28:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tigers
New Michigan Vineyard
Friday, April 04, 2008
Looks like there is a new vineyard to check out this summer up in Traverse City. While reading the wine report in the Detroit News I discovered 2 Lads Winery opening this May at the tip of Old Mission Peninsula. The vineyard will focus on cool climate reds, whites and sparklings. By opening they will have a Pinot Grigio, rose of Cabernet Franc and 2 sparklings. This summer a Chardonnay will also be available.
You can read more about the vineyard at the link below. I am very excited to check this winery as well as 45 North..
Posted by mardenhill 4/04/2008 04:16:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Wine
Americans are more dissatisfied with the country’s direction than at any time since the New York Times/CBS News poll began asking about the subject in the early 1990s, according to the latest poll.
In the poll, 81 percent of respondents said they believed that “things have pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track,” up from 69 percent a year ago and 35 percent in early 2003.
Lets think about this, a never ending war that drains billions of our tax dollars every month, oil at $100 a barrel, the sub prime mortgage fiasco, corporate welfare bailing out Wall Street, an economic recession, higher health care costs, higher unemployement, trading deficits and the list goes on.
Wonder if the president will address this or just hide in his bubble believing that the country he inherited in 2000 is better off now. These numbers will drop in the next couple months when citizens receive their "Economic Stimulus" checks but that euphoria will be gone once the money runs out. Just yesterday NPR discussed thru behavioral economics the right approach to kickstarting the economy. You send out a check and many people will deposit it into their bank accounts where they will pay bills or just save it. You direct deposit the money, same thing, its all "virtual" with no real feeling attached to it. The best approach would be to send the money out on Visa debit cards which would force people to spend them at local businesses. This is a novel idea but then you take the freedom away from the individual and how they would like to spend their own money. I predict a large boom in flat screen tvs but unless people purchase from Philips all that money will go back overseas. I see a great marketing campaign for Philips here and if they don't act on it, they really shouldn't be in business. This is still a generalization and by no means "a what will happen" but it is worth considering.
Maybe the govt should develop a campaign to go along with the money highlighting what products are still made in the US. After some consideration and research I decided to purchase a new bike. Trek is a US company and the majority of their bikes are made here. There are some of the entry level models built overseas but the one I am interested in is domestically made. We have a Trek shop a couple miles from my house but I found that my local Berkley bike shop is still cheaper. Either way, I am supporting a local business, US company and a product that is manufactured in the states. Maybe I will buy a bunch of California, Oregon and Michigan wines with the rest of it, that way I will have done my part to help our economy.
Posted by mardenhill 4/04/2008 09:02:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Politics
Campo Viejo Crianza Rioja 2003
Thursday, April 03, 2008
This evening I opened a bottle of Campo Viejo Crianza Rioja. The wine is a blend of 75% Tempranillo, 20% Granacha and 5% Mazuelo and spends 2 years in oak barrels. The flavors are very young and sweet with fresh cherry and blackberry bursting thru. When I think of these grapes I expect them to be more on the earthy side. This wine showcases them in another light as do many young Spanish reds. Campo Viejo also has a Reserva that is aged for 3 years and a Grand Reserva for 5. If you head to southern France you will find these grapes blended with Syrah which adds some weight and complexity.
Posted by mardenhill 4/03/2008 09:40:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Wine
R.E.M. - Accelerate
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Say goodbye to the sleepy sounds of the past 3 records and get ready to rock. R.E.M. just shot across the bow and are back in full force. Accelerate features 11 songs and tops out at 35 minutes, not your typical release from the trio. In track 1 "Living Well Is The Best Revenge" the signature jangle pop is back with some distortion. Michael Stipe sings with a belly full of anger and Mike Mills backs him up filling out the sound. Track 2 "Man Sized Wreath" is awash with political inferences and mid tempo fist pumping rants. On track 3 "Supernatural Superserious", the 1st radio single, the classic R.E.M. sound with harmonies, garbled vocals and arena tendencies. Track 4 "Hollow Man" slows down the tempo and features Michael crooning over a piano for the first 30 seconds. The rest of the band joins in and builds on the a cresendo that rides up and down. Track 5 "Houston" harks back to the New Adventures In Hi Fi era with moody keyboards and strange tempos. Track 7 "Until The Day Is Done" starts out like "Try Not To Breathe" which had me singing wrong lyrics and meanders into an alt country, melancholy swoon. Track 9 "Sing For The Submarine" keeps the minor chord feeling going, and builds on the aura that "E Bow The Letter" created. Track 10 "Horse To Water" is one of my favorites, its upbeat, in your face approach and heavily distorted guitar gets you going. The song is sloppy and brash, completely different from their perfected studio masterpieces. Hearing this track on its own you would think it was some young Minneapolis band circa early 80s.
Whereas R.E.M. turned up the amps and distortion on Monster, this is different. It's not controlled and polished, its raw but from a group of men who know each other inside and out. The harmonies tone down the rough edges and once again you hear life coming from the band. Most people love to dis R.E.M.'s Around The Sun release which I get but I never thought it was that bad. There were some amazing tracks but it was overproduced and much to long. Take the best songs and you would have had one amazing EP. I have been a huge fan of R.E.M. and have embraced each and every cd. I havn't liked every song, I could go on thru life without ever hearing "Shiny Happy People" but cry if I couldn't ever listen to "Pretty Persuasion", "Electrolite" and "The One I Love".
I don't have a favorite R.E.M. record and if I was forced to pick just one it might even be Up. I really enjoy the atmospheric style and this cd was created to listen to on headphones. Automatic For the People tugged at your heart while Up created a separate universe where you could just sit with back with Michael and listen to his stories.
I could go on and on about R.E.M. but you get the point. They are a band that I grew up on and still follow, they are my U2 and I frequently pull out different cds depending on my mood.
This cd is amazing and a must have. Even if you wrote the band off years ago, try this one on you will not be disappointed.
Posted by mardenhill 4/02/2008 05:26:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: Music
More Michigan Sex Scandals
Ok, if Kwame wasn't enough of an embarassment, now we have the 2nd husband of our US Senator Debbie Stabnow caught up in a prostitution ring. On Feb 26th, Thomas Athans was stopped by the police leaving a local hotel in Troy. Thomas told the cops that he met the woman on the internet and paid her $150 for sex. He wasn't charged but instead issued a ticket for driving on a suspended license. The cops then went back to the hotel and arrested the woman who claimed that she just started her new found profession a week earlier. The sting was setup after the hotel's nam appeared on the website
Thomas was a big name in the Democratic party here in MI. He hobnobbed with all the big wigs and helped lauch Air America and the Ed Schultz show.
What a freakin tool, what was he thinking? Wonder if Debbie will stand by her man or just hang him out to dry? I was reading some of the comments online from the and amazed at some of the responses. There were people calling for Debbie's resignation, not sure why she should resign, it wasn't her sleeping around. I guess the Debbie haters just need to vent and look for a reason to kick her out of office. Sorry folks, Debbie is not at fault here, it's her stupid husband who is NOT an elected official....
Posted by mardenhill 4/02/2008 01:33:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Politics