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Obama On Fox News

Barack Obama broke his personal boycott of Fox News this morning and appeared with Chris Wallace for a one on one interview. Overall Barack did great, he kept his cool, answered the questions and didn't appear on the defensive. There will no doubt be questions raised by Hillary and her surrogates regarding the answer that Republicans have better ideas when it comes to regulation and education. He answered both but failed to elaborate on the regulation. Obama will have to circle back around and broaden this answer which isn't a problem and one that will put Hillary on the same page or on the defense that will contradict many of her past comments.

During the round table the Fox commentators finally got it right and spoke of the generational issue that Barack is not part of the 60s and trying to tie him to that era will not work. This is what I have been saying all along, and more and more pundits need to address this. There are many people out there including me who are sick and tired of baby boomers and their 40 year old battles. Its time to kick the boomers to the curb and take over ourselves. Politically boomers are just a bunch of self centered, greedy bastards who refuse to give up power to the next generation. This is why Hillary does so well among older folks, collectively they view ceding power as the ultimate betrayal and will stop at nothing to hold on. If you look at history every generation will go thru this but the boomers claimed victory very early and actually took hold much sooner than other generations. There are boomers like Ted Kennedy who are ready to pass the torch but I feel they are in the minority.

I have no doubt that Obama will secure the nomination and run an amazing general election campaign. I am anxious to see how his message will contrast McCain's and it will be very obvious how Obama is the voice of change.

Posted by mardenhill 4/27/2008 11:58:00 AM  

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    Obama Suxs!
    Go Hillary!

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