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How I Spent My Day

Today Joe and I went to the Microsoft launch of Server, SQL and Visual Studio 2008. It was a free event down in Detroit at the Ren Cen. It was a typical Microsoft launch party, lots of people, speeches and demos. What did I get from this, well other than a headache from the sheer bordom I did get some pretty cool swag. I will admit it, I wasn't really interested in going and the only reason I did was for the free stuff. For attending you receive a Not For Resale copy of MS Server 2008, Visual Studio, SQL and MS Vista. Lunch was provided in the pretty cool bag that is a dual layer where you can store your breakfast on top and lunch on the bottom. And probably the best prize would be the pin that says "Get Geeked". It's stupid but it really summed up the day. I was entered into at least 5 drawings for Zunes that I never won and sat near a guy who slept across a 4 chairs snoring during one of the sessions.

Posted by mardenhill 3/18/2008 06:01:00 PM  

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