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It Looks Like A No Go For MI Primary ReVote

Hillary was in Michigan calling for a re-vote but as of not it looks like the issue is all but dead. Hillary supporters are blaming Obama for this and saying that its UnAmerican not to support such a thing. Well sorry Hillary, it was UnAmerican for Howard Dean to strip our delegates and it was UnAmerican for all candidates to sign off on the deal and agree not to campaign in the state. You cannot have it both ways, you agreed that the vote wouldn't count but that was back when you felt that you would be crowned with the nomination. Now that you had to fight for it you seem to have forgotten that you along with everyone else accepted the jackass decision that the DNC and Howard Dean set forth. You left your name on the ballot for the option to circle back around and claim the delegates but that has failed. From DNC and MI rules, those who participated in the 1st round would be barred from voting again and if this is true I don't want a revote. I would not be able to participate and this is not fair since I had no one to choose from the 1st time.

The only solution is to take MI's delegates and award 50/50. If I was screwed at the beginning that I couldn't vote for whom I wanted to and if a 2nd vote comes up and I am ineligible to vote again then all bets are off and no one votes.

Its not that hard of a decision, but since it doesn't give Hillary the lead she isn't interested.

And just a reminder, I hate everyone who was involved in this sham and will remember what was done to me.

Posted by mardenhill 3/19/2008 05:14:00 PM  


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