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Detroit City Council Speaks

In a 7-1 vote, the Detroit City Council have asked Kwame to resign.

Kilpatrick dismissed the resolution Tuesday afternoon.

"It's not a binding resolution ... they spent a whole day on it," Kilpatrick said. "There are more important things."

Kilpatrick also suggested text messages that appear to contradict his sworn testimony that he did not have an affair with his former chief of staff may not be authentic.

"There will be a time when we can comment about the texting … the authenticity of all of it," Kilpatrick said. "A lot of things on public display are not facts ... are not true."

Above a few quotes from Kwame and you can see the latest spin, the text message transcripts may not be authentic. So Kwame is basically admitting that they exist and that a deal was made about them. So if this is the case, the "Official" transcripts must be made public to compare. You can't just say that they are wrong without any proof, so Kwame is caught in a quite a bind. If they were not true, why then did he accept the resignation of Beatty, why not fight for her?

We will have the vedict of the investigation next week and I believe Kwame will continue to fight but will gone by June.

Posted by mardenhill 3/18/2008 04:17:00 PM  


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