Bye Bye Tucker
Monday, March 10, 2008
Insiders tell TVNewser Tucker Carlson’s 6pmET show Tucker is getting the axe, but Carlson stays on as a political contributor to all MSNBC shows at least through the 2008 election. The official announcement, expected tomorrow, will include details about who will replace Tucker at 6pmET as well as other political programming additions. Sources say the network is going to beef up its schedule with more NBC News talent.
Now this really sucks, I liked Tucker even though I didn't agree with him half the time. I thought he was a good host and had a great personality. I have to disagree with MSNBC and all the liberal blogs out there who are cheering his demise. Yeah Tucker went under a number of different makeovers, lost the bow tie and moved to the 6pm slot but I think its a mistake for him to go. At least he will be with us thru the election but after that who knows. I have no idea what the station plans on doing and if I had a choice I would give a show to either David Schuster or Rachel Maddow but that won't happen. Both are too partisan and the station would lose all credibilty as a broadcasting network. Don't get me wrong, both are amazing reporters/pundits and deserve more airtime but having them on along with Keith Olbermann may be too much.
Posted by mardenhill 3/10/2008 12:43:00 PM
Labels: Politics
I agree with you, MSNBC needs to keep it "balanced" because they will only crash and burn if they drift too far to the left. We can see how Fox News is collapsing under the weight of their partianship, the same thing would happen if the left had their own channel.