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The 11th Hour

Leonardo DiCaprio is following in Al Gore's footsteps and releasing a documentary on the environment. This comes out August 17th and from the trailers looks to be very good. Yeah people will write off DiCaprio as some Hollywood elite but I beg to differ. He has been on the green bandwagon for years and has done his homework. He has a wide range of professionals in this movie who will help press the issue and give additional credibility to the problem at hand. The wingnuts and Fox news will no doubt roast DiCaprio but I feel he will be fine. He has the support of many people inside politics and out and I think many people will see that he is not swiftboated. Its going to take Gen X'ers to push forth the need for change since the babyboomers only care about themselves. Besides DiCaprio you have Ben Affleck out there mixing it up with the beltway insiders. Our generation will be the ones that will lead the charge on climate change and it is our pocketbooks that will produce a new environmental revolution.

Posted by mardenhill 8/07/2007 04:05:00 PM  


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