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Up All Nite

Its about time Harry, no more pussyfooting around, time to show the country what theses Obstructionists are really up to. This cloture vote on every piece of legislation is just a way for the repubs to filibuster without being on record for voting up or down. There are times when filbustering is needed but on every piece of legislation, no at all. You will have Mitch McConnell cry foul and say the big bad dems are not playing by the rules and as usual the media will grab on hook line and sinker. In the end it won't matter since the repubs will just vote down party lines with a few defectors and Reid will end up with 57-58 votes and it will be over. It needs to be done tho so let the games begin.

Posted by mardenhill 7/16/2007 05:06:00 PM  


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