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Remember the despicable scumbag in the House of Representatives known as "The Hammer"? Well Tom Delay hasn't stayed down for too long, he is back and with a vengeance. Tom has started a blog at and was hit with a ton of negative comments. And like any other conservative blogger, he brought the site down for a while deleting all the negative ones. Upon return it was miraciously full of positive messages for him to keep up the good work. What makes this so funny is that Tom has admitted that he doesn't write the posts but yet he is a blogger now. He has the ideas and others write for him. Talk about lame, the guy censors his critics and can't even write the postings himself. Its sad that this worthless piece of trash held such a high position in govt but looking at the current president and now minority leaders, I guess its possible for anyone with a pulse to achieve leadership.

While I am on the topic of bashing Tom Delay, yeah its one of my favorite passions, he has entered a new phase of complete absurdity. Tom has now blamed the failure of Iraq on the left and the liberal media. Its not the fault of the current president and his leadership or the fact that not enough troops were sent or a plan to secure the peace was in place. Instead its because the left and the media were never onboard with the war and although they never made any of the decisions they are to blame because they were not good cheerleaders. I don't spend much time watching Fox News but Tom made these statements on Hannity & Colmes. I don't expect much from Colmes when it comes to the opposing viewpoint but he did stand up to Tom for a change. As usual Tom just ignored the reality and pushed his crackpot theories.

I don't mind Tom out there on the cable news circuit because he represents what is wrong with govt and the republican party but I expect shows to call him out when needed. Remember this is the guy who attacked the husband of Terri Shavio, called for judges to be taken out and tried to push the doctrine of the American Taliban down every Americans throat. If Tom wants a fight we on the left will be ready and will win hands down.......

Posted by mardenhill 12/12/2006 07:52:00 PM  


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