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Time To Celebrate

Its that time of the year again, the 3rd Thursday in November where we get to drink the first wine of 2006. These wines come from the Beaujolais region in France, right below Burgundy. The wine is made from the gamay grape, (pinot noir for the non wine enthusiasts) and is soft and fruity. This is not a wine that you will sit around discussing its qualities, its meant to be drunk young and with much celebration. It goes well with Thanksgiving turkey or just a simple spread of cheese and crackers. You can also pair it with burgers and other bar food since its really just a step up from grape juice. George Dubeuf is the largest producer of the wine but you can find other vineards bottling the stuff. On your way home from work, stop at your local wine store to pick up a bottle and celebrate with the rest of the world.

Posted by mardenhill 11/16/2006 09:53:00 AM  


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