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It May Just Happen

The rumors that chief White House political architect Karl Rove will leave sometime next year are being bolstered with new insider reports that his partisan style is a hurdle to President Bush’s new push for bipartisanship. “Karl represents the old style and he’s got to go if the Democrats are going to believe Bush’s talk of getting along,” said a key Bush advisor.

Other elements are also at play: The election yesterday of Sen. Trent Lott to the number two GOP leadership position in the Senate is also a threat to the White House and Rove, who worked against him when he battled to save his majority leader’s job after his insensitive remarks about Sen. Strom Thurmond.

This is good news but I wonder how accurate it really is. Bush isn't up for another election and kicking Rove to the curb would be a good way of restoring what little legacy the guy has. On the other hand, it leaves Rove open to be snagged by another republican for 2008. I would hope that he was bloodied enough this election cycle that no one in their right mind would go near him. We tend to give Rove more credit than he deserves but it is nice to see the Bush White House imploding at all levels.

Posted by mardenhill 11/17/2006 04:58:00 PM  


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