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New Treo

Welcome to the future where everyone will have a smart phone. Its not just for business folks or tech geeks who need to be connecterd 24/7. Palm has just announced their latest product, the Treo 680. It has most of the features as the rest of the treo line but in colors and a slimmed down case. Not sure what celluar provider will be carrying these but expect them to be priced very aggressive. With the Motorola Q at $199 and the Nokia E62 at $199-$149, this will most likely be at the under $200 range.

I am still on the fence with my choice for a phone, I love the Q for the all in one but the Nokia E62 works great without having Microsoft as an operating system. Since the E62 does not have a camera, I would skip over it. The treo has always been hit or miss for me. For starters its too big but this time around its a little smaller. It feels like something from the 90s instead of a new product, probably since I have been using the Palm OS for that long. At this time, I am not in the market for a smart phone. I should be there within the next 6 months and at that time will see what else has made it to the market....

Posted by mardenhill 10/12/2006 03:56:00 PM  


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