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Tigers-A's Game 3 moved to late afternoon

Major League Baseball announced Thursday afternoon that Game 3 between the Tigers and Athletics would start at 4:30 p.m. instead of 8:19 p.m.

Major League Baseball said that concerns about the weather Friday night, expected to be cold and wet, prompted the switch from the original start time of 8:19 p.m.

If today was any indication as to how Friday nite might be, its going to be COLD. We had snow off and on today with some crazy wind. I have been to a game where I was bundled up in a hat, gloves, scarf and wool coat but that didn't stop the fun, the remaining few hundred of us still had a good time. This was back when the Tigers were on the losing side and no one went unless it was sunny and warm out. Beer at 32 degrees is very cold and its impossible to eat peanuts. The stadium is amazing but when the wind picks up it whips thru those seats and chills you to the bone.

Posted by mardenhill 10/12/2006 07:00:00 PM  


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