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Live A Little

The Pernice Brothers have released their 5th studio album entitled "Live A Little". If you are not familiar with the Pernice Brothers they formed after one of the great Alt Country bands Scud Mountain Boys called it quits in the late 90s.

The Pernice Brothers take a bit of alt country, a bit of indie rock and some 60s California sunshine, mix it all together and give us great summer singalongs. They don't over-do the Beach Boys sound which is good because that style gets old quick. There are some strings, hammond organs and lots of tight hooks throughout the cd.

Track 1 "Automation" starts out with a Beatles rip off and then settles into a keyboard driven orchestra wave of sound. Track 2 "Somerville" has that rainy day, staring out the window melody that tugs at your heart. Track 5 "Microscopic View" has a minimalist sound, a bit of organ, some bongos and vocals for the first minute. It then breaks into full form with a toe tappin beat.

You have a lot of influences going on here but what separates it from the rest of the sunshine indie pop is that these are real musicians. They are not skinny tie, jean jacket wearing hipsters trying to be the next Bright Eyes. They can play soft and whisper vocals but also do it in a non whining way. I give this an 8/10, its a great listen although summer's gone.

Posted by mardenhill 10/12/2006 09:52:00 PM  


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