PageGate Round 2
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Last night on MSNBC, Washington Post reporter Dana Milbank told Keith Olbermann that “there are rumors now about a third [page scandal], this one involving a 16-year-old girl.”
As if the Mark Foley scandal wasn't enough, there is some perv out there stalking young girls. This rumor was 1st floated by Tucker Carlson a couple weeks ago but never got any traction. With Dana and Keith on it, I imagine it will break within the next couple days. As usual the rightwing talking heads will accuse dems but not take any responsibility for their own sins. It will somehow end up being Bill Clinton's fault, just get ready for the onslaught. Only 19 days to go until we can purge this republican occupation.
Posted by mardenhill 10/18/2006 10:18:00 PM
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