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Screw The Bastards

You gotta love it, Metallica the biggest sellout band on the planet has finally come to embrace the digital revolution. A few years back you had Lars Ulrich rail against Napster and the swapping of songs. This was funny since they were pirates at the beginning of their career trading tapes with the fans. They also used the argument about wanting to preserve the album format and by jumping on the digital bandwagon, this would speed up the demise. Sorry Metallica, if you are really interested in the vinyl world, you are in the wrong genre, its the indie rock and electronic music that is preserving this format.

Anyways, the sellouts have placed their entire catalog on iTunes hoping to cash in on the digital revolution. Now I think its great that bands are using iTunes, its an easy distribution point and a number of musicians do exclusives just for it. When you have a band who had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the digital world, I say screw em, we don't want you here. You had ample time to give your fans what they wanted but u walked away, now its our turn to walk away from you. Btw, that last record, St Anger, it was probably the worst thing ever committed to the history of music, you should be ashamed of yourselves. You are nothing, just trash like your music......

Posted by mardenhill 7/27/2006 02:24:00 PM  


  1. Will said...
    I think bands need to accept this digital revolution. I realize some want to "preserve" the album as an art form, but there were always be fans who listen to albums. I love albums, but I also like digitally purchasing my music ... and that is pretty much how I discover everything these days. I don't much care for Metallica, so I won't be downloading them.
    Will said...
    I hate to admit, but I used to be a fan. I thought in the early 90's they were at least the only Metal band that survived Grunge.

    I lost interest with them over the whole Napster thing and yep "St. Anger" was a poor album.
    Anonymous said...
    Wow... I actually agree with you!

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