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Good News For Jenny

Its not great news but its a start. What's interesting about all of this, DeVos has dumped $10 million in commericals but cannot break over 50%. Lets hope when Jenny starts campaigning she can knock DeVos back to the west side and to his pryamid scheme of a company, Amway.

In Michigan, Granholm Takes Back Lead

Though most recent polls show Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm (D) trailing Dick DeVos (R) in her re-election bid -- including one from yesterday -- a new Detroit News/WXYZ-TV poll finds the incumbent back in the lead, 47% to 44% with 9% undecided.

In fact, the lead "is Granholm's first since February, when DeVos started a nonstop TV ad barrage that to date has cost him more than $10 million. The Granholm campaign has yet to air a commercial, but the Democratic Party has spent more than $2 million on ads on her behalf."

However, with a margin of error of 4 percentage points, the race is still essentially deadlocked.

Posted by mardenhill 7/27/2006 11:59:00 AM  


  1. Will said...
    I like the layout of your blog.

    The Kills are damn good.

    Anonymous said...
    I think you need to rethink supporting "Jenny". She's killing Michigan as a whole... and before you come back with the Google comment...let's look at small business, our roads, our taxes, etc. She's making it very hard to stay in Michigan.. period.

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