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Spector and Alito

I was listening to crazy Randi Rhodes on my way home from work today and she made a very good point regarding Alito and the NSA senate hearings. She caught it on PBS during their political show and put 2 and 2 together. One of the reasons Arlen Spector may be giving Alitio a pass on the Supreme Court appointment may be that he wants the NSA hearings so bad that he will make a deal to get them. Spector has mentioned the word "Impeachment" on the sunday talk shows a couple weeks ago and that got everyone wondering why. Spector isn't one to spout off without having a reason why and this may be it. The white house wants the NSA hearings in the Intelligence committee where their buddy Sen Roberts will try and bury the investigation. Spector wants it so bad that he is willing to let Alito pass just so he can have the investigation where it belongs in the Judicial committee. If Spector gets his way, him and other members on the committe who are very critical of the illegal program will not give Bush and Co a free pass on this issue. If Spector and the committee deem that Bush broke the law then articles of impeachment would have to be drawn up in the House of Representatives.

Don't let the administration try and spin the issue, its still domestic spying no matter what they say. What pisses me off even more is that the FISA court are just a few doors down from the Attorney General in the white house so there should be no reason they are not involved. I also heard that since Bush is a "War Time" president that he has 15 days not just the 3 we know about regarding FISA. I don't know if that is true but if it is there is no excuse for him.

I can't wait for February, the hearings are going to rock and the Abramoff scandal just keeps on inching along. Don't forget this summer we have Scooter Libby's trial to look forward to.

Posted by mardenhill 1/25/2006 09:40:00 PM  

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