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The American Taliban Please Stand Up

It doesn't get any better than this, the new Jim Jones calling his people to war. James Dobson the leader of Focus On The Family is pulling the strings on this whole Judicial Filibuster fiasco. Frist climbed into bed with this guy and now is handcuffed to him. Frist cannot back down from this fight or Dobson will pull support for his 08 presidental bid. Dobson will stop at nothing to get a conservative bench to overturn Roe vs Wade and turn this country into a religious wasteland. I really hope Dobson blows his wad over this one and exposes to the world his true colors and fades away. Frist will be upstaged by the compromise, and lose all support for his 08 nomination. The american taliban will go balistic and start calling for people's heads The media will finally pick up on this and show the world what almost happened and who is controlling the party of Lincoln now. NO COMPROMISE!!!!!!!!!

Urgent Alert by Focus on the Family
Call Right Now to Prevent Backroom Deal on Judicial Filibusters

Word out of Washington, D.C., in the last hour is that a "compromise" deal is close to being finalized that would allow Democrats to continue hijacking the Constitution by filibustering any judicial nominee whose views they oppose. One of the chief architects of the deal is Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. -- and he needs to hear from thousands of Americans RIGHT NOW that all attempts to broker such a deal must be stopped.

The GOP leadership has come up with a sensible plan to restore Senate tradition by returning to 51 the number of votes needed to confirm a judicial nominee -- and that's the plan Graham and his colleagues should support.Please take a moment -- no matter what state you live in -- to call as many of Sen. Graham's office numbers below as you can and relay this message: "No backroom deals with the liberals that would allow more judicial filibusters in the future. Support the constitutional option to end the Democrats' unprecedented filibuster of President Bush's nominees to the federal bench. It's the right thing to do."

The Focus on the Family Group needs your help!

Posted by mardenhill 5/20/2005 02:19:00 PM  

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