Faux News....
Thursday, May 19, 2005
You can attribute this to post election but to see Faux numbers continue to fall is such a beautiful thing. All cable channels report drops but CNN has leveled off. I would like to think that people are finally seeing thru all the lies and manipulation but one would never know. Lets say its true, people flee Faux and head back to normal cable news, tune out Rush and co and pick up on Air America. If this trend continues then 06 could be a very good year. Bush has already had a rocky 5 months, if we keep the pressure on, he could be negative for the year. Start the comapigning and bring up the Delay scandal, Social Security debacle and the religious right's takeover of the republican party.....
Fox News in Ratings Free Fall
Here's something you won't hear on Fox News -- ratings for the cable news channel have been plummeting since before the November election.
According to TV Newser, the number of people watching Fox during prime time in the 25 to 54 age bracket dropped in April for the sixth straight month.
TV Newser cited a CNN press release which gave these totals for Fox's primetime audience in the 25 to 54 age bracket: Oct. 04: 1,074,000; Nov. 04: 891,000; Dec. 04: 568,000; Jan. 05: 564,000; Feb. 05: 520,000; March 05: 498,000; April 05: 445,000. That amounts to a decline of 58 percent, with no sign of leveling off.
Other cable stations' ratings were also down since the election, but CNN's, for example, appeared to have stabilized last month while Fox's continued to drop.
What the press release didn't say is that we can add 629,000 people to those who don't watch Fox. That works out to just over 89,857 people for each of the seven News Hounds who are watching Fox so those people don't have to.
Now that we've added another Hound, we should be able to take care of the remaining 445,000 in even less than six months.
Fox's plunging ratings should be a warning to those cable stations trying to copy the news channel's conservative Republican slant. People are tired of it. Try something different, like a progressive television show, for a change.
Posted by mardenhill 5/19/2005 08:17:00 PM
1 Comment:
- Anonymous said...
5:23 AMBest regards from NY! » »