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Stereolab - Crofoot Oct 9th

Last nite Erika and I met our friends Chris and Jamie up at the Crofoot for the Stereolab show. Unfortunately we got there too early and had to sit thru the opening band which was absolutely terrible. Think of a bunch of pretentious/indie rock/emo/art students trying to be Rusted Root and you had the opening band. I can't remember their name so its probably good.

Stereolab took the stage after 11pm which was late for a school night but it was worth it. They played a number of new songs and went back into their catalog and focused on the heavy drones and wall of sound. The music was huge at times and reminiscent of the early 90s shows which I always loved. We ended up leaving so I can't comment on the whole show but there were no french horn, jazz style Stereolab songs featured. This was a classic Stereolab show in my opinion and one I never expected to see again. The Crofoot wasn't sold out which surprised me but on the other hand the show wasn't heavily marketed. I was disappointed that there was no media behind the band, I always enjoyed the b&w French films used in the past. I did pick up a t-shirt which is something I haven't done in years. It featured the drawing from the Peng cd and was just too cool to pass on.

Posted by mardenhill 10/10/2008 07:56:00 PM  


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