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VP Update

Well I have been reading some of the blogs and other internet postings and many believe the Biden is just a smokescreen. I can see that and in reality Biden would be 1st in line for Sec of State in an Obama administration. Hillary keeps popping back up so who knows. Maybe Obama announced her Tuesday time slot as a swerve to keep the talk elsewhere or maybe she is speaking and there is no chance for a spot on the ticket. Its hard to say, the polls are tightening but then those who are polled do not reflect the changing population. The majority of younger people under say 35 don't have land lines and just live off of cell phones. These people are never polled and I can vouch for this. I have been cell only for 8 years now and never receive telemarketers or surveys. The media needs to make this a horse race for ratings and the 24 hr news cycle so most of the what you hear tends to be just BS anyways.

McCain's VP choice is also interesting with Tom Ridge and Joe Lieberman making their way into the mix. Both are pro choice which would piss off the hard core right and evangelicals who already do not like McCain. There is also a chance that if Obama doesn't pick Hillary or another woman McCain will and that could be former eBay CEO Meg Whitman or the governer of Alaska. If McCain were to do this and Obama played it safe with a white male then McCain wins round one. This doesn't guarentee the GOP a victory but it does put the millions of boomer women who hate Obama in an interesting position.

Posted by mardenhill 8/19/2008 09:37:00 PM  


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