VP Soon
Monday, August 18, 2008
Well its down to the wire and just a few more days for Obama to keep us in suspense over his VP choice. Rumors are floating that it may be as early as tomorrow or late as Friday. I have a feeling it will be either Thursday or Friday, probably Thursday that way there is a whole day of news before the weekend.
As for choices, well Obama has some good ones and a number of duds. The lackluster choices in my book would be Sen Evan Byah from Illinois. I know its a safe choice but come on, the guy is a total bore and couldn't fight his way out of a brown paper bag. Next on the list would be Governer Tom Kaine of Virginia. The guy is nice but I don't think two newbies will go over well in the general election. Sen Hillary Clinton, there are too many things that are wrong with this scenario and we all know it won't happen.
Personally I would like to see Sen Joe Biden, I used to think he was an idiot and only wanted to hear himself talk but I grew to like the guy and think he would be a great VP. Biden is brilliant when it comes to foreign policy and the inner workings of DC. He may be gaffe prone but he is very good and diffusing the comments with humor. I don't like the idea of running 2 senators again but with Biden I could overlook that. If not VP then Secretary of State. My 2nd choice would be Gov Bill Richardson of New Mexico. His resume is chalkful of great accomplishments and anyone willing to go against the Clinton's get fist bump in my book. It will be interesting to see which way Obama goes and how it will play out in the general.
Posted by mardenhill 8/18/2008 10:28:00 PM
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