Finally Over
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Well I just finished my final in my College Algebra class tonight. It really sucked and although I didn't do as bad as others I am not patting myself on the back either. I have a set number of points that I need to get a 'C' in the class and if I reach that I am happy. I was not asking for a lot, just a simple 'C' and the knowledge to pass Calc. I have a feeling that a number of people were going to fail this class and I have to blame the prof for that one. He was a nice guy and quite funny but when it came to teaching he was awful and we had to learn on our own.
This past semester has been a bear for me, I haven't been in school since '97 and the last math class I took was in '95. I had to relearn a number of things all over again and just hope I retain enough of it to get thru my next two semesters. I have to take Trig next semester and Calc in the Winter as pre-reqs for my MBA program. I only need Calc but I am nowhere near ready to take that class so I opted for the Algebra and Trig to get me up to speed.
I can finally complete the square on equations, all semester I was lost on the concept and just the other day it dawned on me. My downfall this semester were logs, natural logs, parabolas and hyperbolas and matrices. I can do the matrices on my calculator but if asked to do them long hand no way. Story problems are also a thorn in my side but I am getting better. Well its off to grab a glass of wine, after the day I had I deserve it.
Posted by mardenhill 8/14/2008 09:59:00 PM
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