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One More Day

Well tomorrow is the last day of the Democratic primaries and as of now it's Obama in the lead. Over the weekend MI and FL were decided by the rules committee and both states delegates were cut in half. Hill's supporters are still up in arms over it, somehow Obama got 4 more delegates than he should have, not like it would have mattered but that's the latest argument. When Hillary says she won the popular vote it is with MI counting only for her and no votes for Obama. Doesn't seem really fair but when it comes to playing by the rules the Clintons skipped that lesson.

Obama will be the face of the new Democratic party, no more egotistical/power hungry/greedy boomers to call the shots. This needed to happen, if the Dems plan on surviving they must pull the power from the boomers and spread it around to others within the party. There will be grayheads who will bolt and vote for McCain but let them, they are just old and jaded and can't accept the next generation taking over. These people are not the future of the party and if we are to have any luck in shaping the country for the next 20 years, Obama must be the nominee.

June 3rd, What took you so long................

Posted by mardenhill 6/02/2008 05:44:00 PM  


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