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Portrait Of The Michigan Delegate Mess

Here are all the jackasses who have screwed Michigan out of their delegates and vote in the 2008 Democratic primary. The 1st person is Mark Brewer the head of the Michigan Democratic Party. The 2nd is Senator Carl Levin, the 3rd Congressman John Dingell and the 4th well that is Howard Dean, head of the DNC.

Mark Brewer along with Carl and John pushed for the MI primary date to be moved forward and had the local legislature and Jenny Granholm sign off on it. Dean threatened to pull delegates but the state called his bluff and went forward. Dean then instructed the candidates to remove their names from the ballot and pledge not to campaign. Well everyone but Hillary did so and in the end the vote was either for her or uncommitted. Hillary won in the end even though she didn't campaign. Luckily for Florida the rest of the candidates left their names on the ballot and even though they didn't campaign it was a better representation of the voting public.

What could happen next is that if Hillary is down in the delgate count she will petition the DNC to honor the votes since she happened to win both states. Obama will protest stating that he wasn't even on the ballot in MI. Howard Dean is now freaked out since there is no clear front runner and that the convention could be the deciding spot and he doesn't want a public fight. If Hillary gets the delegates, there will be a revolt from the Obama supporters and if it came down to MI giving Hillary the ultimate nomination many people including me would be pissed off.

So what are we to do, hold a caucus where both candidates come back to the state? Some say yes while others say no because of dumb ass rules on the books. Do the delegates just get tossed in the garbage and not counted at all? Well that will leave a very large state disenfranchised and without a voice.

People complain that MI shouldn't have moved their primary up, well they don't live in a state that has had its own personal recession due to manufacturing job loss and the problems surrounding the auto industry. The Bush administration who had no problems bailing out the jackasses who created the current credit crunch, ignored MI and the big 3 for years and refused to help. We here are tired of being ignored and felt the only way the country would pay attention was to bring the candidates here early to speak to us. What happened, the DNC run by an idiot got his panties in a wad and punished us for speaking up out of turn. If the Democratic party won't even acknowledge MI's woes what chance do we even have to survive?

So now everyone is all in a panic over this and it serves them right. If the Democratic party is about change they should have honored Michigan's request. Instead they just went along with "history" and screwed us all.

There is plenty of blame to go around between all of these guys and I hold each and everyone of them personally responsible for screwing me out of my consititutional right to vote for my candidate.

Posted by mardenhill 2/07/2008 11:10:00 AM  


  1. Jenna said...
    I guess I just don't understand what the big deal was in moving the dates. Why does it matter so much that the primaries were moved up? Why don't the republicans have an issue with it?

    And how the hell did Howie go from ruling a wee tiny state like VT (which I'm from and I love, but still) to running the DNC? How's he going to cover his ass come convention time when it's a big old mess?
    mardenhill said...
    The republicans actually did the right thing, they punished the states (MI & FL) by cutting their delegates in half but let them campaign. Now I don't support the cutting of the delegates in half but at least they came here and competed. Its better than nothing and if the DNC and Howard Dean who is afraid of real change had any loyalty would have done the same.

    I welcome a huge fight at the convention, at this point I am fed up with everyone and to watch them in a huge battleroyal is worth it to me.

    The GOP is up in arms over McCain and have their own issues to sort out. The Dems are in the same boat and if both sides are fighting among themselves there won't be any time to fight each other.

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