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Guitar Hero Rulz

We got Guitar Hero III for the Wii and it rocks. The guitar is a Gibson Les Paul and you stick the remote inside to control. Its wireless which is nice and is very addicting. It has taken a lot of practice with the song on slow and then normal speed but we are finally getting the hang of it. We are also only on the easy level which only uses three notes which can be problematic when you know the song and are skipping notes that you think you should be playing. Once we master the three notes we can then move onto 4 and 5.

Our only complaint has to do with the acid trip you get after watching for too long. With the moving screen you turn your eyes away and it looks like everything around you is morphing. It started with the tv stand then moved onto the cats and the walls. Other than that the game is amazing and I highly recommend. Tonight we will be ringing in the new year with some good champagne and a plastic guitar.......

Posted by mardenhill 12/31/2007 12:13:00 PM  


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