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Screw All Of You

Well its official, the bastard dems are pulling out of the Michigan primary. I say screw you, I will write my own name in come January. At this point you will have to really convince me for your vote in the general if you bypass my state. Dumbasses, thats what they are. Hillary has made a pledge not to campaign but has left her name on the ballot. She will then spin it as a victory which I think is wrong. If you are not going to participate at least take your name off the ballot no matter how stupid of a move the whole thing is. Going forward, anyone who plans on voting in the Primary either write your own name in or feel free to vote for me.....

Obama, Edwards and Richardson asked the Michigan Secretary of State to take their names off the ballot, and Biden's campaign said today he would do the same. They are pulling out because Michigan, like Florida, has violated national Democratic Party rules by moving up its primary date in a challenge to the traditional monopoly on early voting held by Iowa and New Hampshire.
New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, who has consistently held a comfortable lead among Democrats in Michigan polls, will stay on the state ballot, aides said.
"It's unnecessary" to remove her name from the ballot, spokesman Mo Elleithee said, because she has already signed a pledge not to campaign in Michigan or other states violating the national party's scheduling rules.

Posted by mardenhill 10/09/2007 04:12:00 PM  


  1. Jenna said...
    So, wait, some states are moving dates around to make the whole election process more fair and the dems don't like it so they won't even put their names on the ballot? WTF?! Isn't that shooting themselves in the foot? I would think that as a candidate, you'd still want the votes, no matter when they're placed. That's the stupidest thing I've heard all day.
    mardenhill said...
    Yeah it amazes me that the Dems are willing to do this. I say screw Iowa and New Hampshire, they don't deserve to weed out candidates that may not do as well in their state. I am all for a national one day primary or a rotating by region that way everyone gets a chance to be heard.

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