True North Vodka
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I am not a premium vodka fan, as long as its not Smirnoff or 5 o'clock then I am usually ok with it. My liquor of choice is gin where I tend to be more particular with my brands. This vodka caught my attention due to its Michigan connection. The distiller is up in Traverse City and the vodka goes by the name True North. Unfortunately no website but you can read about them at the links below. The vodka is a Polish style made with local ingredients and at $30 a bottle better be damn good. Its just one more thing that can be promoted along with Michigan's vineyards which can only help our current economic woes. Due to state regulations you cannot buy directly from the distiller but it should be available in fine liquor stores.
Posted by mardenhill 9/11/2007 12:32:00 PM
Labels: Liquor