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For The Very Lazy

There needs to be a point where technology takes a break and lets us humans well, be humans still. I believe this is one of those points and I am not on board with the automated drink maker. One of the great things of having a party and being the bartender is making the drinks. Shakers full of gin and vodka, glasses rimmed in sugar and olives swimming in a pool of alcohol is art. By allowing a machine to concoct your drink you are giving away your soul. Yeah, some bars have large slushy machines but the bartender always shakes your drinks, they don't hit some button which perfectly pours the right amount of alcohol and mixer. Call me old fashioned but this is a line that should never be crossed. If you ever attend a party where the drinks are from a machine, turn right around and leave, these type of people are ones you shouldn't be associating with anyways. They are pathetic losers who have too much money and no creativity and should be avoided like the plague.

Don't get me wrong, I love technology but to a point. I will never give up my shaker for some automated machine.

Posted by mardenhill 8/14/2007 09:32:00 AM  


  1. Anonymous said...
    Ouch! That hurt… We are not looking to eliminate humans. We seek only to make them better. You still need the human to shake the drink, pour into a glass and garnish it. This will help humans from screwing up the cocktail and wasting your good time. And if you see a machine assisting a human to making complex cocktails, be relieved, you will not grow old waiting for your cocktail! Know that your host of the party has thoughtfully planned a menu of drinks specifically for the event and enjoy their creations as they have intended them to be. Technology is a great thing when technology servers humankind. dbman
    Anonymous said...
    Having had one of Randy's mojitos, I'm all for the robot bartender!
    mardenhill said...
    yeah i can see your point but don't expect me to drop 2 grand for one of these. i'm not saying i can't be bought, maybe if this thing came in at say $200 it might then be cool.

    i still prefer to make my drinks by hand, the idea of a classic martini coming out from a machine just gives me the chills.

    as for the mojito hitjob, i confess i suck at making them but only them.
    Anonymous said...
    $200, I did not know that Berkley, Michigan is in Fantasy Land. I must have missed it when I took my daughters to Disneyworld. dbMan

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