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Stop Canadian Trash

WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration is warning Congress that a Michigan-led bill to limit Canadian trash imports could set off a trash trade war with the United States' largest trading partner.

The bill, which is expected to pass the House today, would allow Michigan and other states to limit trash imports from Canada, an increasingly controversial issue. But in a letter sent Monday to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Minority Leader John Boehner, the White House warned that the bill could violate trade agreements and spark Canada to ban hazardous waste from the United States.

Senators Stabenow and Levin have come up with a plan which you can read below.

Here is the Detroit News story on the vote.

Hey Dubya, us border states don't want Canadian waste in our backyard, they are a big enough country they can keep it there. I see no reason why we should let trash across the border this doesn't qualify as trade in my book. I guess we can thank NAFTA for this mess and the typical Washington losers put dollars over the health and well being of the country.

Wasn't the infiltration of Tim Horton's and next generation Degrassi enough, when will it end?

Posted by mardenhill 4/24/2007 10:40:00 AM  


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