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5 Questions

I would like to thank Gizmorox for the questions below. Fellow bloggers have been asking each other questions which get posted on your blog. Gizmorox gave me the 5 below to answer which was a lot of fun.

1. If you could have any five living people over for dinner, who would they be and why?
Nick Cave: It was a toss up between Mark Lanegan and Nick Cave but I have a million questions I would love to ask Nick about his approach to music.

Douglas Coupland: Douglas is my favorite author and I think would be very fun to hang out with. He seems to have a cynical, dry and witty personality that I can relate to.

Bret Easton Ellis: My 2nd favorite author, just listening to his years of debauchery would be a blast.

Al Gore: Al is one of my favorite politicans and the only one who I think really understands systems thinking and what needs to be done to address climate change. I feel that he is a wealth of knowledge and I could learn a lot from him.

Uma Thurman: I didn't want my dinner party to be all guys so I added my favorite actress to the mix. I think Kill Bill was my favorite Uma movie.

Runner Ups: Anne Rice but she would have bored me with her over descriptive stories. There is Nancy Pelosi who is my favorite female politician but it might get too stuffy with both her and Al Gore at the table.

2. If you had to live without one of your senses, which would it be?
This was a hard one, I wouldn't want to give up hearing because that would cut out listening to music. Taste and Smell go hand and hand and that means the end to eating good food and drinking wine. It would be very hard to give up sight and losing touch would just suck, you might as well be a robot. I think it would have to be taste because I could still get away with eating/drinking since smell plays a bigger part in the flavor of things. If I lost my taste buds maybe my smell would kick in and give me some of it back thereby only causing half a loss.

3. What's your favorite comic strip?
Calvin and Hobbes. Erika bought me the bound collection of everything ever written for my birthday a couple years ago. I feel bad that Calvin ended up on the back of every pickup truck in this country but he is still cool in my book.

4. Are you the type of person who likes the beach?
Yes but I don't like to lay out. I get bored easily and hate laying in one space for a period of time. I prefer playing in the water and walking up and down the beach to sunbathing.

5. Do you have any irrational fears?
Waking up with snakes in my bed. I think I saw it in a movie as a little kid and ever since my fear was to go to bed with a bunch of poisonous snakes under the covers.

If you're interested in the hilarity, here are the rules:

Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me!”
I will respond by e-mailing you five questions (if your email is not on your profile, email me your desire to be interviewed so I know your address). I get to pick them, and you have to answer them all.
You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Posted by mardenhill 4/25/2007 09:21:00 AM  


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