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New Symbol

Welcome to the new radiation symbol being proposed by the IAEA. After 5 years of interviewing 1600 people in 11 countries they felt the need to add the running man, skull and crossbones and emitting radiation waves. In all serious its probably a good idea but come on, 5 years to draw that? Does that mean I will have to get my radiation tattoo updated?

Posted by mardenhill 2/15/2007 09:04:00 AM  

1 Comment:

  1. Shay said...
    OMG, that is so typical. You know, I'm really glad I can read, because none of those stupid symbols ever make sense to me. Like, on the airplanes- you know how they show how to evacuate the plane in pictures, I have no idea how to get out of a plane because I do not understand those damned pictures.

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