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The "Surge"

Well Commander Cuckoo-Bananas and the other 4 morons in this country (Cheney, Condi, McCain and Lieberman) want to press on with the "Surge" even against the wishes of his Generals on the ground. Bush continued to tell all of us, he only listens to his commanders but when they disagree with him and his bizarro world, they are swiftboated and removed from office. Yep, General Casey will be leaving Iraq and it had to do with not carrying Bush's water. At what point does saving your legacy trump what the majority of the US population, congress and the military all agree on? This is what Bush is doing, he doesn't care about anything else but his proposed $500 million Presidental library and showing up his daddy. Killing Saddam hasn't changed things there is still sectarian violence and a civil war in Iraq. Lets hope we have a bipartisan clampdown by congress on this and a real plan to bring our troops home. Its nice to see that we have real adults in congress now, finally things will get done.

Posted by mardenhill 1/02/2007 10:28:00 PM  


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