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Polar bears to be listed on Endangered Species list
by Chris in Paris - 12/27/2006 12:27:00 PM

Thanks to legal action by a few environmental groups, the Bush administration is being pushed to accept facts, something which is often a challenge for them.

Northern latitudes are warming twice as rapidly as the rest of the globe, according to a 2004 scientific assessment, and by the end of the century annual ocean temperatures in the Arctic may rise an additional 13 degrees Fahrenheit. As a result, researchers predict that summer sea ice, which polar bears use as a platform to hunt for ringed seals, will decline 50 to 100 percent. Just this month, researchers at the National Center for Atmospheric Research outlined a worst-case scenario in which summer sea ice could disappear by 2040.

By submitting the proposal today, the Interior Department is meeting a deadline under a legal settlement with three environmental advocacy groups -- the Center for Biological Diversity, the Natural Resources Defense Council and Greenpeace -- that argue the government has not responded quickly enough to the polar bear's plight. The department has been examining the status of polar bears for more than two years.

NRDC senior attorney Andrew Wetzler, one of the lawyers who filed suit against the administration, welcomed the proposal for listing.

"It's such a loud recognition that global warming is real," Wetzler said. "It is rapidly threatening the polar bear and, in fact, an entire ecosystem with utter destruction."
If it takes forcing Bush's hand with animals on the endangered species list to recognize global warming, then its a start and we are making progress. I am a member of the NRDC, its a great environmental group and I have supported them since the mid 90s. The NRDC doesn't stage protests, they take people to court and win. Its the only way you can get things accomplished these days.

Posted by mardenhill 12/27/2006 12:35:00 PM  


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