Latest Sexcapades Across The Aisle
Thursday, November 02, 2006
This just broke and it looks like local tv is all over it. In Colorado Ted Haggard an uber conservative Evangelical pastor along the lines of James Dobson is caught up in a gay sex scandal involving a male prostitute. Looking back thru history, these things tend to be true, just consider Jimmy Swaggert and Jim Bakker. The accuser claims to have taped voicemails and a letter of Haggard. Ted leads a 14,000 member mega church which would be an interesting fall from grace if it is true.... onto sex scandal number 2, this one actually involves an elected official, rep Jim Gibbons (R-NV) who is running for governer. Jim is alleged to have attacked a cocktail waitress in the parking garage of a Vegas casino. The woman dropped the charges when no video tapes were available but later reinstated those charges when it was learned that videos did indeed exist and that she was bribed into shutting up. What is interesting is that for 2 weeks the tapes didn't exist but surfaced and said to have evidence clearing Jim. Problem with all of this, the owners of the garage are very close with Jim and some of these people were with Jim drinking early in the night. It all smells of a nasty coverup and makes for some good pre-election fodder.
Oh wait, we are not done, we still have our favorite child predator Mark Foley who is conveniently in rehab until after the election. More evidence of a coverup has surfaced, damage control conference calls with members of rep Tom Reynolds (R-NY) staff and Kirk Fordham the staffer who was forced to take the fall.
so many scandals, so little time.....
Posted by mardenhill 11/02/2006 04:18:00 PM
Labels: Politics