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Republican officials say Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is stepping down. Word comes a day after the Democratic gains in the election, in which Rumsfeld was a focus of much of the criticism of the Iraq war.

Drudge had this headline running, wonder if it is true. Rumors have been floating around that Rummy would step down and possibily Leiberman take over giving control back to the Repubs in the senate since the Repub gov of CT would pick a replacement. I don't put too much stock into that one but you never know. There is also Ricky Santorum who is currently unemployed but a Bush loyalist....

Update: Rumsfeld is gone, daddy stepped in to salvage whatever was left of dubya and the Bush name and legacy. Rumsfeld's replacement is Robert Gates the former head of the CIA. I don't know much about the guy but he has to be better than Rumsfeld and if daddy has any input someone who is competent and moderate.....

Its the gift that keeps on giving, wonder what else will break our way today. I have to say it must suck being a Republican today. I have been giving all my friends at work a hard time but I have earned it. I have spent the last 3 election cycles beat down, its my turn now......

Posted by mardenhill 11/08/2006 12:58:00 PM  


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