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Granholm Back In The Lead

In the latest Rasmussen poll, Granholm has pulled ahead of Devos. Jenny is not out of the woods quite yet, there is still a month to go and we know how deep Devos's pockets are. I think the 1st debate did wonders to the reputation of Dick, everyone saw that he was unfit to lead our state. The 2nd debate is scheduled for tomorrow and may be bumped up as to not interfer with the Tigers game. Gotta love America, when politics and sports go head to head, sports always wins. I just got my Granholm yard sign for the front, they were out of them at the democratic headquarters for almost a week. I also have a Nancy Skinner who is running for US Rep against Joe Knollenberg but I don't think she has a chance. Unless Joe becomes involved in the latest Foleygate page scandal, he will keep his seat.


Granholm (D) 49 (46)
(R) 42 (48)


Stabenow (D) 56 (51)
Bouchard (R) 39 (43)

Posted by mardenhill 10/09/2006 12:10:00 PM  


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