Election Day
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Election day is coming up and there is just a little more than a week left. The smears, the attack ads and the lies have been in full force but I don't think its enough to keep the Republicans in power. Polls have Dems taking the House but not the Senate. I don't like to rely too much on polls since we have been burned before by them. Realistically, I see the Dems taking the House but the Senate will go down either 49-51 or 50-50.
I expect another OBL ad or some kind of taped message coming out this week. I also expect to hear some saber rattling over Iran in the next couple days. We have aircraft carriers over near Iran that were quietly launched at the beginning of the month timed to arrive right about now. The repubs will rely on fear to pull off a victory but I think its too little too late.
The wave is coming, no one knows the size but everyone believes it exists. Besides the House and Senate, there are state wide elections and Governer's races that need to be won. The repubs have an excellent GOTV (get out the vote) but the dems have made up ground big time. Lets not forget about the 50 state plan Howard Dean started, without it, we would have never expanded in the west and the south.
Posted by mardenhill 10/29/2006 09:58:00 AM
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