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Yesterday our wireless router decided to stop working. I thought it just needed a reset but no, didn't help. My next test was to unplug it for 30-60 seconds, nope that didn't help. Plugging it into a different outlet didn't solve the problem either. I ran some diagnostics and at this point, I had exhausted all options on my beloved router and it was time to buy a new one. My linksys served me well, I would say it gave me at least 2 years of cable free connectivity.

What makes this rather boring computer upgrade meaningful is that I was just discussing with friends about Apple's new wireless router. There are rumors that a new one may surface before the end of the year or 1st quarter in 2007. I had planned on upgrading to Apple once it came out and sending my linksys to a good home but no more. It must have heard my conversation and decided to kill itself before I moved on.

If you are in the market for a wireless router, I still say buy a linksys because they are the best on the market for the price. They are easy to configure and for the most time work with no hassles. There are a few choices out there, Wireless G, G with Speedboost and N. At this time you will have to buy additional cards for the N network and the routers are still buggy. As for speedboost ignore it, not worth the extra money because N will be standard next year. So I settled on another wireless G router, just like what I had for $69.99.

Posted by mardenhill 9/23/2006 07:07:00 PM  


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