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More Republican Hyprocrisy

Well, well, well, Senator "I like to diagnose brain dead women from a video screen" Frist wants to go out of the senate with a bang. Besides being a useless and pandering majority leader, Frist wants to break his own rules and beliefs. Not too long ago, Frist threatened the Nuclear Option on the filibuster of judges. Now members in his own party have legislation he doesn't like and is threatening to filibuster. This would be the McCain, Warner, Graham legislation protecting the Geneva Convention and prohibiting the torture of prisoners. As usual it all comes back to Bush thinking he is above the law but now needs the law changed to protect himself. Samething with the warrentless wiretapping, Bush broke the law, now he has his pet Sen Spector rewriting FISA to cover his tracks. This time its the Geneva Convention and Frist has stepped up to the plate. Frist thinks he has a chance at the presidency in 2008 but he has proven he is pathetic loser who can't negotiate his way out of a brown paper sack.

I could go on and on about how bad a person Frist is but I will leave it here, he will soon be out of the senate and be forgotten.......

Dissidents' Detainee Bill May Face Filibuster

Frist Warns GOP Opponents of Bush's Proposal They Must Accept Two Key Provisions

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist signaled yesterday that he and other White House allies will filibuster a bill dealing with the interrogation and prosecution of detainees if they cannot persuade a rival group of Republicans to rewrite key provisions opposed by President Bush.

Frist's chief of staff, Eric M. Ueland, called the dissidents' bill "dead."

Posted by mardenhill 9/20/2006 12:22:00 PM  


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