iPod Backlash?
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Steve Jobs better knock our socks off this Tuesday or it may be all over for the ipod. The rumors are an ipod phone, an updated nano, a movie service within itunes and a larger screen ipod. Microsoft will also launch their player Zune this fall (so far reviews are not too kind to the device) and every new cell phone has an mp3 player built in. Below is an exerpt from the UK and their take on the best invention in the last 10 years.
She added that the iPod is in danger of becoming a victim of its own success: 'Some backlash is against the ubiquity of the iPod - everyone has those white headphones on the train.'
Analysts warn that the iPod has passed its peak. From its launch five years ago its sales graph showed a consistent upward curve, culminating in a period around last Christmas that saw a record 14 million sold. But sales fell to 8.5 million in the following quarter, and down to 8.1 million in the most recent three-month period. Wall Street is reportedly starting to worry that the bubble will burst.
Posted by mardenhill 9/09/2006 10:43:00 PM
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