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A Bit Of Rumor

The internet is a buzz with the latest "iPod Killer", this one from Microsoft. I really doubt it has a chance, if anything Microsoft will kill the Creative, iRiver, Rio, Sandisk etc market and lead to further hatred of the company. The highly touted wi-fi expected in this device will most likely fail to deliver. It will kill the battery and transfer rates will be too slow. I am not sure if the wi-fi is supposed to be for headphones or streaming but I will wait for Apple to come up with a better design.

"While we find Wi-Fi a nice feature, we believe that Wi-Fi power requirements are still quite steep and so we are skeptical that battery life will be strong on Zune," American Technology Research analyst Shaw Wu told his Apple investors in a research note on Wednesday.

Wu said his analysis of Microsoft's wireless implementation indicates a Zune with Wi-Fi enabled will only sustain between 3 and 6 hours of battery life compared to 10 to 14 hours achieved by a typical iPod.

Wu was similarly unimpressed by the player's user interface, raising objections to what he called a "fake click-wheel that does not scroll nor is touch pressure sensitive making navigation difficult, particularly for users with large music, video, and photo libraries."

Posted by mardenhill 9/01/2006 09:10:00 AM  


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