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Big Ole Dud

The Killers strike out with their new single off their 2nd cd Sam's Town. The song "When You Were Young" rips off the boss Bruce Springsteen back in his Born To Run days. Its full of keyboards that overpower everything and tired vocals that only grab you when he repeats the word Jesus. The facial hair won't do it either, just growing a beard will not hide you from the crap your 1st cd gave us. I never understood how these guys got the attention of the masses, their 1st single was good I will give you that but the rest of the cd was terrible. They took everything that was great from the 80s and tried to repackage it into 3 minute sound bytes.

Maybe I will be proven wrong and their 2nd cd be something worthwhile. Judging from this single, if it's the best they got then I don't see it happening.

Posted by mardenhill 7/30/2006 02:23:00 PM  


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