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Plamegate Update

I know Hookergate is all the rage but we need to put that aside for a moment, we still have Plamegate and Abramoffgate. This is just speculation but for 3 days straight Ken Olbermann has had David Schuster on his MSNBC tv show. Just imagine if we get a trifecta here, Rove indictment and multi indictments in both the Hookergate and Abramoff scandal. It would be xmas all over again. Top it off with a 30% or below Bush approval rating and you have the best summer ever.

Below is a bit of the transcript.

Shuster: Rove likely going to be indicted

Shuster: Well, Karl Rove's legal team has told me that they expect that a decision will come sometime in the next two weeks. And I am convinced that Karl Rove will, in fact, be indicted. And there are a couple of reasons why. First of all, you don't put somebody in front of a grand jury at the end of an investigation or for the fifth time, as Karl Rove testified a couple, a week and a half ago, unless you feel that's your only chance of avoiding indictment. So in other words, the burden starts with Karl Rove to stop the on

Posted by mardenhill 5/08/2006 10:30:00 PM  


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