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Embrace just released their 5th cd on March 27th and I decided to give it a listen. Embrace came onto the scene back in 97 with "The Good Will Out" a cd that drew both Oasis and Verve comparisons. Their songs are sweeping anthems and ballads. Vocals are good but safe. Oasis are the kings of large majestic songs when played live engulf everything that isn't tied down. Embrace took this style and added the darker and droning style of the Verve. Their debut cd had great fanfare but I lost interest after the 2nd one. I just got "This New Day" and I am pleasantly suprised. I like the keyboards that have been added and I can say that Embrace has found their sound. The big rocknroll songs are present and I think they are able to pull of the Oasis arena rock if given the chance here. Its nice to listen to Brit Rock that isn't trying to be the Strokes or Franz Ferdinand. I am sick and tired of the Babyshambles, Subways, Cribs, Rakes, Futureheads that think post punk is the way to go. As for the flavor of the month, Artic Monkeys, I am trying but I don't see the greatness in their cd. It has some good tracks but its not groundbreaking, its no "Definitely Maybe" or "Elastica" or "Asleep In The Back". If you want my praise and a space on my blog, you need to impress me, not bore me with re-hashed crap. I have burned by both Richard Ashcroft and Rob Dickenson's solos this year its nice to see that there is still some good Brit Rock to be had. Will this make my top 2006, probably not but its still a good listen.

Posted by mardenhill 4/09/2006 09:18:00 PM  


  1. Anonymous said...
    Where did you find it? Interesting read »
    Anonymous said...
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