Latest Cheney Rumor
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Pamela Willeford (shown right), ambassador to Switzerland and -- yes -- Liechtenstein, was part of the hunting excursion with Cheney and Whittington. And according to Willeford's account, Cheney and the ambassador were side-by-side when the shooting of Whittington took place.
The vice president's Secret Service detail had to decide what to do with Willeford by way of perhaps covering up her relationship with Cheney, and thus the delay in reporting the news.
The rumor goes that Lynn Cheney isn't happy with Cheney's close relationship with Willeford.
Again, just a rumor.
So Cheney is cheating on Lynn with the ambassador to Switzerland, this is a good one I have to say. I never thought anyone would be attracted to the most evil person alive but I guess that proves there is someone for everyone......
Posted by mardenhill 2/15/2006 02:06:00 PM