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Satanists Unite....

My friend Nasir decided to pipe in about the Strokes sucking and wanted to plug his favorite band Iron Maiden, looking at these album covers I have no idea what kind of evil incarnate he has wrapped himself around. I'm sorry, album covers with devils, and skeleton people wanting to kill you doesn't seem like something I would want to listen to let alone a small child to either. These satanists are peddling murder and mahem and I for one don't appreciate it. I decided to look up this Iron Maiden band and found out they have been together since 1979 and have put out 13 satanic records along with a bunch of live crap. I am not sure how these geezers are still doing it but I guess its the power of the devil that keeps them going. I have also discovered this evil drawing on the albums has a name and it goes by Eddie. They have been using him to terrorize us for the last 26 year years, why hasn't the government put a stop to this? Maybe all they need is a hug but I don't plan on going near them for the fear that I might be their next sacrifice.

Posted by mardenhill 12/24/2005 11:55:00 AM  


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