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Update: Dems Shut Senate Down For Closed Session

Harry Reid did it again, he pulled one over on the repubs big time. He called for a closed door session to discuss pre war intelligence and why the repubs are covering for the administration. Investigations that should be going on have been stalled and put on the back burner, Harry just forced them back to the front.

The best part of it all, the repubs used the new supreme court nominee to pull airtime and oxygen out of the Libby story and on day 2, Reid just flipped the story back on Libby. CNN and the rest of the channels will run soundbites from angry repubs saying that this was out of line but the story is back where it belongs, on Libby and the justification the administration made up for going to war.

I love this quote: Majority Leader Frist reacts: “They have no conviction. They have no principles. They have no ideas. But this is the ultimate. Since I’ve been majority leader…have ever I been slapped in the face with such an affront to the leadership of this grand institution.

Frist is pissed off, he has once again proved how ineffective he is as a leader, there goes his chances in 08. He got slammed on Shavio, the nuclear option and now this, and that was only this year. Frist also has his insider trading scandal to deal with, not looking good for him......

So lets give it up to Harry, finally someone who will finally fight for the truth......

Posted by mardenhill 11/01/2005 05:49:00 PM  


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