Bush Official Arrested in Corruption Probe
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Bush Official Arrested in Corruption Probe
White House OMB official David Safavian arrested, for allegedly obstructing a GSA investigation and making false statements concerning his ties to Jack Abramoff:
FEC Sues Pro-Republican Political Group
WASHINGTON - Federal election officials on Monday sued a political group to try to force it to comply with campaign finance limits, the first lawsuit of its kind to arise from controversial big-money fundraising during the 2004 elections.
You may be asking, what does all this mean, well start connecting the dots and it all leads back to Karl Rove and the Bush Administration. David Safavian was the head of the General Services Agency a govt procruement agency that was in bed with Jack Abramoff, another recent arrestee who is accoused of improper dealings with Indian tribes and breaking campaign finance rules. Who is Jack's favorite politican, none other than Mr. Tom Delay. We all know how radioactive Tom is and he is the poster boy for Ethics violations. So you have Tom who is connected to Jack who is connected to David who was put in the position by the aministration. Some names that come to mind are Rove and Norquist who is a former lobbyist partnet of Abramoff.
Jack and David took a number of people on a Scotland golf outing which lead to some backroom wheeling and dealing. Some of the people on this trip, Tom Delay, Robert W. Ney (R-Ohio) and chairman of the House Adminsitration Committee, former Christian Coalition leader Ralph Reed and Neil Volz another lobbyist. Not that Ohio didn't already have enough scandals you got this guy getting a free golf outing and dealing out contracts.
This is just the tip of the iceburg there is more info, I just don't want to type it all down. Check out www.rawstory.com they will be running updates throughout the day.
You also have the Club For Growth being sued by the FEC under campaign finance laws, this group helped the president along with a number of other republicans maintain or win seats in the last few elections. Who started this group, Grover Norquist who happens to be a former lobbyist with Jack and is buddies with Karl.
I thought Bush and co were coming in to clean up Washington, not turn it into their personal playground where govt jobs are given to the highest political doner or campaign fundraiser. Didn't Bush just have an appointee by the name of Michael Brown resign? Yep, Brownie was the head of FEMA, he had no emergency experience and was put there for being a good fundraiser. David Safavian climbed his way up thru a rep from Utah and happens to be partners with Abramoff who is close to both Delay and Rove.
Rove, that name sounds familiar, well its because he is Bush's right hand man and who is also tied up in the Valerie Plame CIA outing scandal that should come to light next month when Fitzgerald finishes his investigation.
Lots of players, lots of connections, lots of arrests and indictments all centering around the most corrupt administration this country has ever seen. Lets hope people wake up and come next year vote these scumbags out of office. 2006 can be the rebirth of the democractic party, let hope they don't blow it.
Posted by mardenhill 9/20/2005 09:06:00 AM
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